Resume Packages

Includes 1-on-1 Phone Interview To Discuss Your Career Background And Goals.

Entry Level

Less than $70K Salary

$199 USD

Great for emerging professionals

  • Recent graduates entering the workforcce for the first time.
  • College Students currently pursuing degrees, seeking internships. 
  • Career Changers entering into a new industry.
  • Young Professionals seeking to advance their careers.
  • Military Veterans transitioning from military service to civilian careers.
  • Job Seekers with limited experience, reentering the workforce.


$70K to $150K Salary

$279 USD

Great for established professionals seeking advancement

  • Career Advancers seeking career growth and promotions to leadeship 
  • Industry Switchers having highly transferrable skillsets in previous roles
  • Returning Professionals who have leveled up their skills/education
  • Specialists in niche industries (tech, healthcare, finance, and engineering)
  • Global Professionals seeking opportunities in multinational companies


$150K+ Salary

$399 USD

Great for industry leaders and experts

  • Senior Managers and Directors looking to enter the C-suite
  • Thought Leaders sought after as consultants and board members
  • Highly skilled freelancers seeking new clients, projects, and contracts
  • Subject Matter Experts highly specialized in niche technical/emerging fields 

Why BonaResume?

What sets us apart is our personalized approach to resume writing. With BonaResume, you’re not just purchasing something on a website, uploading your documents and some AI bot generates algorithmic boilerplate text.  boilerplate text. We take the time to speak with our clients during a 1-on-1 interview and get a better understanding of their career goals, strengths, and aspirations. Sometimes, it even turns into a bit of a vent/therapy session, but we get it!

Throughout the process, the lines of communication are always open, and we work collaboratively from start to finish.

Whether you are a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or a seasoned executive, we are here to help you stand out in today’s competitive job market. Partner with BonaResume and take the next step towards advancing your career!

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